For the very mature CTP platemaking machine now, from a technical point of view, people still discuss the quality issue more. In the research and development and application of photosensitive CTP and thermal CTP and their plates, thermal CTP has also firmly established its foothold in commercial printing. The reason why thermal CTP is widely accepted is inseparable from its own excellent characteristics and high quality of products.
The first is its convenience of use. People are tired of operating in the dark room, and thermal CTP uses infrared laser to form images with heat, so users can safely operate in the bright room.
The second is the rationality of its structure. Now CTP structures are mainly divided into three types: inner drum type, outer drum type and platform type. Thermal CTP is mainly outer drum type. This structure makes the printing plate wrapped on the drum like on the printing press, with the medicine film facing outward, reducing the deformation of the dots to a minimum, and it is easier to handle large-format printing plates.
The other is the stability of its quality. Photosensitive plates are very sensitive to light. When exposed, they may be underexposed or overexposed, causing haloing of halftone dots. They are also affected by light interference from inside the machine, making it difficult to control the quality of publication. However, if thermal plates are to generate images, they must reach the initial thermal energy threshold. Thermal energy above the initial threshold will not change the shape of dots. This is a technology that can control predictable results, is easy to control, and has stable publication quality. After exposure, the plate can be developed up to 6 months later without affecting the quality.